Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Grandparent visits!

It was good to get a dose of grandma and grandpas this spring but the visits were to short!

Grandma and grandpa Matheson came up for a short weekend visit.

Here are from left to right: Grandma Labrum, Maxwell Owen, Thor Labrum, Steele Labrum, Normandy Labrum holding Easton Labrum(Dallans) Cody Owen holding Bentley Owen, Grandpa Labrum and Cassius Labrum :)
Cute cousins together to celebrate Thors baptism. Too short of a weekend, but lives are so busy and hectic right now we will take what we can get!!

1 comment:

Kaela said...

How fun!! I loooove that picture of everyone on the trampoline! I can't believe how fast Travis and Karen's kiddos have grown up!!