Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I think he's been waiting for this day his whole life...

Getting his pre-preschool hair cut.

Maxwell quickly re-intoduced himself to all of the girls at preschool.
"Remember we were playing lego's together."
"Remember we were playing fake food the other day."
He realy liked having a day to come and meet the teacher and students,
on the first day he was ready to start.

"Oh I love the little mermaid, thats a great lunch box, Mine's speed racer."
He was talking to everyone showing off his lunch box and gett
ing everyone ready for the doors to open for the first day of preschool.
Before we left we took the classic back to school photos in the traditional spots, but then maxwell also had a few other ideas for shots of his own, "mom take a picture with me and Bentley", "mom get a shot of me here"... "I'll walk over here you can take my picture here"
... smiling and hamming it up the whole time.

Walking in to class and showing the bentley the way...

After class his teacher came up to me and said, Maxwell says he hasn't ever been in a preschool class before. I told her that he hadn't that he was just 3 (as were all the kids). She said Maxwell is "the perfect student", I'm amazed that he hasn't been in another class, he's so helpful and cleans up and does just what he's asked. He's a dream to have in class....

To Maxwell...he's got her right where he wants her! :)

Maxwell is such a good boy, and such a little pleaser, he wants everyone to be happy and love HIM and LOVE everyone else.
He bring so much joy (and exhaustion) to my life. We are constantly on the move.
I'm so glad that he's enjoying his first day and looking very much forward to all the other days ahead...thing is he has 3 years till he can start real school...

Thanks for taking time to read up on us :)


Lindsey said...

I can't believe he has 3 years to Kindergarten!! He sounds like he is totally ready now! :)
Glad he is having fun. He is so photogenic, but then again so is your whole family. Love it!

Gramy Lynda said...

He is the kind of kid that loves life!! What a sweetheart! Busy is so good!!! I've always said I'd rather have to say "Wo, Slow down a little," than "giddy up", to my children!! I hope you continue writing about what he says on your Blog, I could listen to his stories until I've heard all of them!!If that would ever happen??LOL Thanks for sharing Shelbi, Tell Maxwell & Cody that we are so proud of them, we know that will be a success in what ever they do!!After all, they sre your children!!SO much of both of them remind me of you!!
Loves & Hugs
Grandpa & Grandma Labrum
(you to Bentley, your in the best school of all, Your mommy's)

Chelsi said...

What a little stud. Bryler started preschool this year also I was a little sad, but he is loving it!! I

Tiffany said...

He is the alive that little guy cracks me up. So good to hear from you Shelbi! I'd love to see you sometime. How 'bout the near future?

Ethatch said...

You're an awesome mom, Shelbi.

Kaela said...

Oh he is SO cute!! I love hearing his conversation skills. I think he is way ahead of my little guy with the ladies already:) Kaden's conversations usually are somewhere along the lines of- I am big and tough and 'skrong.' I'm going to have to fly Max out here someday to teach Kaden they way to girls' hearts is through talking about things they are interested in:) Haha!! So glad he is loving preschool. I pray that Kaden's teacher has such glowing things to say about him someday!