
Saturday, February 26, 2011

iHeart good food!

So I can't believe that it's taken me this long to make a post about my new found love with Shelf Reliance. Honestly I dream about this stuff in my sleep :) I have been able to help so many people get started or add to their goals of long term food storage, that the energy is flowing on all cylinders. Plus I have been able to stock up on my food storage a lot! That's how I found this stuff anyways... I was just looking for a place to buy hard to find things for my own food storage and I couldn't help but pass the info along ... I would have done it anyways since it is so great I figured I might as well get credit for it.

What went from Long Term Food storage is now an everyday staple at our house. WHY?
It has ZERO preservatives and Zero Salt and ZERO Sugar!
So it's the perfect snack and a great ingredient in my meals.
It stores in the pantry...not the freezer so It's always ready and never freezer burned or going bad.

A brief Overview of why I love the Products:
  • They filled all the gaps in my Long term food storage
  • Healthy & Delicious
  • Price I could the pace i want to go at! ( I joined the Q Club)
  • LAST FOR 25+ years ( I have had so many things go bad already I was getting frustrated)
  • SO convenient for everyday cooking and Healthy Snacks
  • They store so well!

I just wanted to have it posted here that I'm in love with these products.
Some are great for everyday(saving time & money) & some I just store for long term.

Our favorite everyday Products:
Germade (Cream of Wheat)
Why? Less expensive (than even win-co) and tastes better and of course stores better
Why? The boys beg to put these in their cream of wheat and Cherrios everyday and on their pancakes on Pancake Friday!
6 Grain Pancake Mix
LOVE! Fluffy and delicious and stores great. EVERYONE likes this at our house!
Pineapple & Mangoes
Personal Favorite for a snack and so easy to put in a bag and go.
The kids aren't sticky when they have them as an on the go snack and they will store in my purse forever before they go bad...
If you've ever found sliced apples in a baggy at the bottom of your diaper bag or purse you can see the benefit in this (if you haven't your lucky!)
100% organic and super cheap!

Freeze Dried Onions and Red and Green Bell Peppers!
I add these to an avocado at lunch for a super fast delicious guacamole eat it with chips or put it on my sandwich.
HONESTLY I use onions ALL the time with practically any dish I make... and I put these onions in and it saves so much time, they are chopped more finely than I take time for which means less complaints from the peanut gallery(3boys). I heart these Onions!

Eggs, Milk, Chicken TVP and all veggies are so great to have on hand and make dinner a snap. And make running to the store for something last minute a thing of the past...(which always costs more than you plan!)

If you want to browse and see some of the cool products we have check out my website :)


  1. Yay! I have looked at this post three times and this is the first time Blogger would let me comment (grrr....). I'm so glad that you have found something that makes you SO HAPPY and can share it (that is the best part) with your family and your friends. And such a good cause too... You are doing great, and I wish I could attend all these fun parties in person to sample the yummy food!

  2. How fun, I saw this company at Time out for Women and have wanted to try it ever since.
    It you ever want to do a review or giveaway on my blog let me know!!

    ...and put more pic's up of those beautiful boys would ya! :)
