
Sunday, March 27, 2011

A little Rock Star!!

This is so long over due...BENTLEY!
What doll! We love this little guy so much he brings endless smiles
and joy to our home every minute!

OH Bentley is such a joy!!
I don't think that I can describe the fun this little guy brings :)

Those big puppy dog eyes melt my heart into puddles!

You can see here that he's a sweetie!

When He's not pulling the
vacumn cleaner along by the handle, he's usally playing the drums or guitar from Rock Band.
He's so fun to watch, he
really likes to rock out!

Bentley is relentless and demanding as well!!
Don't let this chocolate face fool you! You can see the mischief in that little grin of his! He's a rascel!!

Here's a Picture of him from tonight! He's one of the funnest babies ever! He shares and loves (after he knocks your lights out of course)
He loves to read books!
This never gets old: Backing up from 2 feet away to sit on my lap to read a book!

He loves "CARS" loves lightning McQueen and Sally. He hadn't even seen cars be he started toting around the books we have and the little McQueen Hot wheels car. Every time he see's McQueen he gets excited and say VROOM with his little hand waving by fast like a race car :)

He LOVES to dance and rock out! I have to thank New Years eve for that and the fact that he had no other option for 3 hours than to find his own groove to move too...and ever since then he's got a beat in his head and it only take one note to get his little head bobbin' to the music!

Does bentley talk? Last week I would have said NO.
He has a few goo standby words like NO! and mOM! ( I ment to spell it like that "mOM"!)
But today we had a fun time telling bentley...
Can you say... Car? cAR!
Can you say... go? go!
Can you say... truck? Kuk!
Can you say ... ball? Ball
Can you say ...Daddy? dAD!
Can you say I love Maxwell? *blank stare*

and if we ever asked him to say something that he could see he just pointed to it. We were pretty much done after the boys got him to say a few words because then they would ask him to say words like "Alphabet"...and "Lightning McQueen"... yeah.. He's definitely still learning :)

His little guy loves to love. When he wakes up he just snuggles for how ever long I can!
So thats a little bit about Bentley!


  1. What a cutie! I miss snuggles from Bentley more than you will every know!

  2. What a little sweetheart. Thanks for sharing about your precious little pumpkin!

  3. I can attest to Bentley s gentleness! He loves to snuggle and will curl right up and not complain!! When it is time for bed he will lay right down after a book a song that he likes, and prayers, He's done!!He will go right to sleep and not say a word! I miss him to. I only wish he and all the boys lived closer!! Loves to the Owen family all of you! Gramy

  4. Just saw the cute posting about Bentley! Thanks! Can't wait to see him and all of you in a couple of weeks!
