Thursday, December 20, 2007

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Driving anywhere I could In my Toyota Celica...That car ROCKED!! Thanks dad!
2. Hanging out with Kaela & Jessie
3. about this time it would have been the annual Shelbi's Christmas Kids Kamp! (so parents could go shopping, Where am I now that I need me?)
4. Probably organizing some type of project or fundraiser to help stop drunk driving or smoking.
5. Playing Basketball. (it would be my last year...if you had asked me then I would never have believed that! I'm playing again and It's great!)

5 Things on my to-do list today
1. Finish Christmas Presents
2. Household maintance (Laundry, vacuming, toy clearance, dishes, garbage, the floors need mopped but I don't think that will happen!)
3. Peticure
4. Play with my kids ( for once in the past week)
5. Get to bed before 11PM

5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt
2. Rice Crispie treats
3. Ranch Rice Cakes
4. Sprite Zero
5. Fruit ( Apples, Peaches, Nearly ripe bannanas, Avacados)

5 Things I would do if I were a Billionaire
( After paying my tithing)
1. Get family out of Debt. (Which will probably lead to more debt... so maybe I'll just lower their monthy payments)
2. Buy a bigger (not gignormous) home on 2 acres, With a porch around the front, basketball Cort, meadow, wooded area with tree fort, hot tub. ( Where I would live forever)
3. Fly family to MY house for visits.
4. Take yearly vacations with my husband and children and Separate vacations with just me and bryant.
5. Help as many people as possible with there temporal needs in efforts to stabalize them to the point that they can focus on their spiritual and community needs.

3 of my bad habits:
1. saying that I'm going to check my e-mail then checking others blogs instead and ending up on the computer for WAY to long ( wasteing the beautiful nap time for children in which I could have finished the majority of my to-do lists.)
2. getting board or distracted and leaving undesireable things unfinished...

5 places I have lived
1. The Dalles, Oregon
2. Keizer, Oregon
3. Rexburg, Idaho
4. Renton, Wa
5. ( Does this count I have lived in 3 houses all on the same street! I believe it was between the years 11-13)

5 Jobs I’ve had
(it depends on what qualifies as a job I've been self employeed since I was 8)
1. Babysitter/Nanny
2. Hostess at O'Callahan's
3. BYU-I Catering Office Receptionist
4. Manager of Scrapbooking "papercrafting" @ Porter's
5. CEO-SLO Photography and Design

5 Things people probably don’t know about me
1. I Hate confrontation
2. I can't do everything!
3. I love running.
4. I don't like to cook.
5. ... is there anything else that's not totaly obvious?

TAG- Mom Labrum, Dad Matheson, Laura Westfall, Lindsey Jergensen, Mallory, Taryn. ( for those of you with out a blog you can reply to my post. Copy- Paste- Fill in your answers... Wa la!!)


Kaela said...

Yay- thanks for doing this. This was so fun for me to read and reminisce. I was a little shocked though when I read you don't like to cook. I remember you being a fabulous cook... and I thought you liked it. Maybe now that you have to do it so much its not so fun... I certainly know how that goes:)

Gramy Lynda said...

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:

1. worrying about my teenagers!!!(Not much has changed there, there just older)
2. following Dallan around to all his B-BAll games!
3. Probably helping Shelbi with a project at school or church.
4. Organizing play times for Mallory and friends. ( always had to have a friend over)
5.Supporting Barry in Stake Presidency calling

5 Things on my to-do list today.

My TO-DO-List got tossed yesterday on my day off while I was cleaning

5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Carmel corn
2. veggies and dip
3. Snack plate(avacados, cheese and crackers)
4. Water lots of it!
5. Fruit (Pineapples, bannanas, Avacados)
6. What ever mood Im in can determine what I like.

5 Things I would do if I were a Billionaire
( After paying my tithing)
1. Get family out of Debt. (Which will probably lead to more debt... so maybe I'll just lower their monthy payments)
2. Pay for random peoples groceries at the grocery store)I may even just hang out there and do it over and over.
3. Buy a House boat at Lake Powell and a Villa in Cabo San Lucas and have our family vacation there.
4. Travel to Historical places in the USA (Church and American).

5.Build a Compound(LOL)Self Sustaining, that would sustain as many of our family as possible with food clothing heat etc.Swimming pool, hot tub, animals,playground for kids. the work!

3 of my bad habits:
Ah were do I start??

2. Speaking before listening enough

ALL the places I have lived
1. Ogden Utah
2. Tremonton, Utah
3. Helena, Montana
4. The Dalles, Oregon
5. Keizer, Oregon
6. Mapleton Utah(now)

5 Jobs I’ve had:
I have been a stay at home mom for 30 years but I did have a couple part time jobs while the kids were in school.
1. Babysitter
2. Utah Theatre in Logan Utah(High School)
2. House cleaner
3. Family Services in Tremonton 1975
4. The Chronicle in The Dalles Oregon 1 day a week
5. Receptionist at Academy at Canyon Creek in Springville Utah
TRUMP ~Grandma~

5 Things people probably don’t know about me
1. I Hate confrontation
2. I love gardening from dawn to dusk if I could!
3. I love a clean house hate to clean.
4. I love my job!.
5. My kids are everything to me . . .Oh you knew that sorry!!!

TAG- Mom Labrum, Dad Matheson, Laura Westfall, Lindsey Jergensen, Mallory, Taryn. ( for those of you with out a blog you can reply to my post. Copy- Paste- Fill in your answers... Wa la!!)

Anonymous said...

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:

1. Cruising around The Dalles
2. Baby sitting my brother Austin
3. Dating my first "actual" boyfriend
4. Hanging out with friends
5. Trying to be as cool as my big Sis

5 Things on my to-do list today.

1. pay bills on line

5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Ice Cream/frozen yogurt
2. Peanut butter M&M's
3. Pub mix from Costco
4. Fruit smoothies from Jamba Juice
5. Protein Bars

5 Things I would do if I were a Billionaire
1. Get my family out of debt
2. Donate lots of money
3. Get my kitty a huge play area
4. Get Lorne side line tickets to ever Raiders game
5. Get my self lots of new super cute clothes because I would still work :)

3 of my bad habits:
1. Worry...Worry...Worry...just call me the BIG WORRY WART!
2. Eating peanut butter M&M's...lots of them
3. This one is good and bad...being addicted to working out. Sometimes my body says take a break but my brain is saying no.

ALL the places I have lived
1. Portland, OR
2. The Dalles, OR
3. Gresham, OR

5 Jobs I’ve had:
1. Babysitter
2. Pizza maker (2 years..first real job)
3. Staples (8 years)
4. Care giver for my kitty
5. Best girlfriend to the best boyfriend Lorne
(Haven't really had 5 jobs in my life time)

5 Things people probably don’t know about me
1. I am addicted to working out
2. I absolutely love peanut butter M&M's...that is why I have to work out so much :)
3. I am "Common Law" married to my boyfriend...but hopefully making it official very soon :)
4. I have a brother who is 13 years younger than me...and I might add he is the best brother!!
5. My best friend is Shelbi Lynn Owen who I have known since when I first moved to The Dalles in 6th grade.

* Sorry don't know anyone to tag.

MarkMathdad said...

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:

1. Worrying about Bryant
2. Teaching 5 year olds in Primary
3. Choosing all the options for a new house in San Juan,
4. Working in the same big room with a ping pong table
5. Figuring out how to get the raccoons out of the attic

5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Carmel corn
2. Cooked Cheerios
3. Hershey’s choclate
4. Diet Pepsi with Lime
5. Apples

5 Things I would do if I were a Billionaire
1. Pay editors to help finish my book ideas
2. Set up a college with Church values in California
3. Golf and ski at new resorts
4. Fly a helicopter
5. Contribute and expand micro-loan programs around the world

3 of my bad habits:
1. Doing “C” priorities before “A” priorities
2. Worrying
3. Over-EATING

ALL the places I have lived
1. Salt Lake City Utah
2. France and Switzerland
3. Oklahoma City and Tulsa, OK
4. Cambridge, Massachusetts
5. St. Petersburg, FL
6. Irvine, CA
7. La Crescenta, Laguna Niguel & San Juan Capistrano CA
8. Highland UT

5 Jobs I’ve had:

1. Apartment Complex Grounds Crew
2. Busboy and Waiter
3. Tour Guide & Business Owner
4. Pipeline Engineer
5. Stock Market Analyst and Broker

5 Things people probably don’t know about me
1. I’m a romantic
2. I’m addicted to information
3. I love nature and astronomy
4. I got a fancy camping backpack for my high school graduation
5. I like friends as much as I like family (sometimes more—because you can pick and drop your friends.)