Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Maxwell we are glad that you were BORN!!

Maxwell celebrated his 1st birthday December 28th.
I was ready for Cody's first birthday it seemed he had been waiting to turn one for months, but my little Max? He was 6 months one day and all of the sudden grew up and now he's ONE!

Maxwell is a JOY!! Here are a few fun birthday shots!
We celebrated Maxwells Birthday at Grandma and Grandpa Labrums house.
We played fun games and of course had cake and bananas. Cake becouse we are in America and Bananas becouse those make Maxwell more happy that any other single thing I've put before him :) He's my little monkey :)
More on max later! When I get time to work in photoshop and Illistrator I will do a feature just about max. But for now!! I love YOU Maxwell! Happy Birthday!

We played cherades at maxwell's Birthday Party it was a lot of fun!

1 comment:

Kaela said...

Wow you have some cute little boys on your hands. Happy Late Birthday Max. I wish I could have been there to help celebrate!! Looks like it was a ton of fun. Love the poll for Dallan:) I'm off to cast my vote.