Saturday, February 02, 2008

Does anyone even...

just wanted to kn ow if anyone even reads or checks my blog anymore? Mom? Anyone? Sorry I have ebbn so out of it lately...Details to follow.
Love to all!


Mike Laughead said...

I read it.

Hatch Family said...

I am stil here waiting to see what you guys are up to!

Kaela said...

I do... but you probably already knew that. I need to try calling you again this week. We are in the midst of moving, but I would love to take a break chat with you:)

Lindsey said...

Shelbi, I check your blog all the time!! I love to see what you guys are up to!

Taryn said...

i have you on my google if you post something i'll read it.

Amanda said...

I check your blog everyday!

Jaime said...

I do, I do!! I love it!!

Kristine said...

I check your blog everyday I'm at the computer. Have you checked mine? Melissa put my Valentines quilt on it. Check it out.

solomon said...

It's funny. i haven't checked your blog in about a week. very busy moving and stuff. i checked it today, hoping to see what you've been up to but was sad to find NO updates from you! i LOVE your blog!! Update! Update! hope you & your family are doing well!! hugs, - julia

Gramy Lynda said...

OK I need to remember to leave a comment. I love your blog and more than occasionally shed a tear.I lvoe you and your little family so much. It alewauys brings back memories when we would go to the coast or wallowa lake. I miss those days and. ANd Bry, way to be spontaneous!! It it the best.

Anonymous said...

I check everyday! I love to see my nephews. I hope you check mine! I show it to Hannah so she can see her Aunt and Uncle too!