Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What 'Twilight' character are you?


You try to make yourself and others happy. You always find a way to get what you want. Caring for others is your major duty, and you do it without complaining. You have real grace with everything you do, and people fall for you easily. You make a great caretaker and friend to those you feel the need to.


Kaela said...

Yay! Are you (or have you already) reading the Twilight books? I can't wait for Breaking Dawn or the movie to come out!!! Very fitting description of you by the way:)

Ethatch said...

Hey Shelbi, how are you? Cute little (big) boy you have there...where have the years gone, 5 already!
Say, I had a phone call the other day from someone in the ward, wanting your parents' phone number. Not sure why they wanted it, but if they wouldn't mind, maybe you could let me know.

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday today! I hope you have a great day!

Jaime said...

Hey Shelbi, where did you disapear too? How are things, I miss the pictures of your little family!

Chelsi said...

Hey shelbi how are you I can;t believe how much your boys have grown up they are so cute. Boys are tons of fun. You'll have to check out my blog I started one. HOpe things are going good for you guys and we'll talk to you soon.