Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cody Goes to State for Reflections Art Contest

"This is a story of 5 snakes.
They are inside thier house,
they sing and dance together.
A camel walks by,
He hears the music
and wants to come and dance with them."
Cody with the PTA Pres, Riley Martin, Principal Olsen & Other teacher


Mindy said...

Wow, that is exciting. Is he in Kindergarten? I guess I forgot, we held Jaden back, so assumed nobody else would have gone. HEHE.

Chelsi said...

Hey your boys are getting so big. They are so adorable. Congrats on another baby I didn't know you were expecting. When it he due?? And another boy. We love boys also. They are the best!!

Kaela said...

Way to go Cody! I love Reflections!! You're sculpture, photo, sotry and presentation are amazing!!